[MPlayer-users] quicktime RLE encoding

Morris Beverly morrisb at avpresentations.com
Sun Nov 5 16:59:35 CET 2006

Is it possible to compile in support for encoding with the ffqtrle 
codec, or does the codec itself only support decoding?

Barring this, can you suggest another rle encoding format that can be 
used for encoding?  CEI has the EVO format that I've tried and had some 
success with.  Can mencode/mplayer be compiled to support this?

The reason is that I have been able to play back very large qt animation 
codec files (2048x768, or about 3-4 GB per minute in file size) in 
mplayer very smoothly (which QT itself doesn't play back smoothly).  I 
haven't had as much luck with other lossless codecs used from 
mencoder/mplayer such as ljpeg and ffvhuff.  Any suggestion appreciated.


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