[MPlayer-users] A/V out of sync + corrupted time stamps on x86_64 for some files [SOLVED]

Christian Aistleitner tmgisi at gmx.at
Wed May 3 14:29:37 CEST 2006


after upgrading from mplayer-1.0.20060408 to 20060415 (these are the  
gentoo names I suppose the correspond to cvs dates), I noted that several  
recordings from my DVB-S suddenly were out of sync. These files have been  
recorded before upgrading and played well before.

I tracked down the problem and found the faulty part.
The faulty part is exactly the patch:
CVS: main/libmpdemux demux_mpg.c,1.78,1.79

when moving from ints to long longs, things go terribly wrong.
With the 1.78 version A/V is in sync and time stamps are reported  
With the 1.79 version A/V is out of sync and timstamps are presented like
A:204963825319936.0 V:204963825319936.0 A-V:  ...
(And these numbers do not increase,	 as the file is played)

So downgrading main/libmpdemux/demux_mpg.c will solve these issues.

Kind regards,

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