[MPlayer-users] Choppy DVD playback

Val vace117 at yahoo.ca
Sun Jun 25 22:08:43 CEST 2006

On Sat, 2006-06-24 at 15:07 +0200, Alexander Roalter wrote:
> If there's some error reading the disc and the drive has to re-read, you 
> can catch a glimpse at it with the `dmesg`-Command, which outputs read 
> errors occured on the DVD drive. (though it's saturday, in canada 
> there's still the entire day to get a new DVD drive... :)

I checked the dmesg output and there were no errors relating to the DVD
drive there.

I have 2 DVD drives in my computer and the playback is the same on both.
One drive is very recently purchased, so it is unlikely that it is not
fast enough. I made sure that both drives have DMA support.

Val <vace117 at yahoo.ca>

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