[MPlayer-users] can't play some videos

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Fri Jun 16 16:57:50 CEST 2006

Luiz Fernando C Camargo wrote:
> I use Debian GNU/Linux and I have installed mplayer,
> w32codecs, mozilla-mplayer (mplayer plugin for mozilla),
> mozplugger, swf-player, xmms-xmmplayer and probably more, but
> I can't play any videos from my ISP, although I can play some
> videos from other sites and most often from command line. As
> an example, can you folks play this public video?
> <http://cinema.terra.com.br/interna/0,,OI1042142-EI1176,00.html>
> [Click on "Assista ao trailer!" please.]
> I was told by my ISP that their system has been tested with
> linux and it should work fine, but I am not sure. Can someone
> please tell me what is up? what should I do? what about people
> who use other distros?

Can you please post a direct link to the video file itself? All I get,
eventually, is a page telling me I need to download real player and
flash. Since I'm on my home machine right now, which is a pure 64-bit
system, I can't install either of those without jumping through hoops.

As a side note, I really hate it when sites try to determine whether I
can play a video or not and then refuse to let me get to the video when
their detection test fails. If this is your ISP, you should suggest to
them that they present the user with a direct-download link on the same
page that tells what software they need. Or, better yet, stop embedding
their videos, but that might be too much to ask.


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