[MPlayer-users] help

Nico Sabbi nicola_sabbi at fastwebnet.it
Wed Jan 11 22:00:27 CET 2006

Omar Barneto wrote:

> I am using mplayer to play mpegs streamed over udp (RTP) and I am 
> experiencing the following problem: when one mpeg file ends and a new 
> one starts at the transmitter, mplayer seems to lose synchronization 
> of the video. The sound is correct, but the video stops . Pausing 
> mplayer for a few seconds and resuming playback sometimes cures the 
> problem (i.e. mplayer resynchronizes) but sometimes it does not. I 
> have tried -autosync, -cache, -mc 10 options without any noticeable 
> change. We are currently using -framedrop which does not cure the 
> problem either.
> Running environment is Fedora Core 4. The streaming server is VLC 
> running on Windows. Any suggestion?
> Thanks in advance.
> Omar Barneto

I'm afraid there won't be a real solution for the foreseeable time 
(because of architectural limitations),
but if you post two short clips and the command line for vlc someone may 
try a test session

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