[MPlayer-users] Xvidix output only works as root ('operation not permitted')

Brandon Kuczenski brandon at 301south.net
Mon Jun 27 00:28:23 CEST 2005

I am running mplayer version 1.0pre7-3.3.5 on a modern Debian system.  I 
have discovered that I can play videos using
# mplayer -vo xvidix:nvidia_vid.so a-movie-name
and mplayer runs, using an almost shockingly small amount of CPU cycles.

However, I can only run using the xvidix driver as root -- when I run as a 
nonprivileged user, I get the error "[nvidia_vid] Error occurred during 
pci scan: Operation not permitted".  I can run using the default 
driver, '-vo x11', as a nonprivileged user, but the CPU can't handle 
full-screen zoom with that driver.

What permissions can I set that would enable me to run the Xvidix driver 
as non-root?

Thanks for all the hard work on this program,

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