[MPlayer-users] Bug: Flicker in image when using xv , expand with NTSC DVDs

Dominique Dumont domi.dumont at free.fr
Wed Sep 1 18:57:38 CEST 2004


I've noticed a problem when playing zone 1 NTSC DVD (tested with 3
different DVDs) with expand: the expanded zone flickers constantly.

With Evolution DVD, it looks like the flickering zone also has some
kind of ghost image. 

This problem does not happen with Zone 2 PAL dvd.

Here's the command line that shows the problem:

  mplayer -vo xv -vf expand=0:-90:0:0 dvd://1 

The problem does not happen with -vo x11 or -vo xvidix

My video board is a 9200 radeon.


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