[MPlayer-users] Splicing avis

CrimeDog crimedog at wp.pl
Fri Nov 19 17:15:40 CET 2004

Dnia 19-11-2004, pią o godzinie 07:40 -0500, Erik Kjær Pedersen
> As a side-effect, the broken AVI fixer function enables MEncoder to append 2 
> (or more) AVI files: 
> Command: 
> cat 1.avi 2.avi > 3.avi
> mencoder -noidx -ovc copy -oac copy -o output.avi 3.avi
> It says so in the manual. I can not make this work, can anybody?
better use Avidemux (http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/)

With kindest regards:
Konrad Materka

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