: Re: [MPlayer-users] Problems compiling MPlayer on Suse 9.2

Martin Simmons vyslnqaaxytp at spammotel.com
Sun Nov 7 13:03:29 CET 2004

>>>>> On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 10:05:33 +0100, bergue at t-online.de (Dr. Bernd Guenther) said:

> I believe I figured out what's wrong: SuSE have mixed up their installation 
> rpms, and thus have produced an inconsistent set of header files. For 
> instance, linux/config.h is NOT from the kernel package but from the glibc 
> developers package.

I think that is intentional, because glibc devel supplies the headers in
linux/ that were used to build glibc.  They are not the headers for the kernel
you are running.

It looks like the bug is in SuSE's glibc patches, which chop out some of the
kernel headers.  They should probably chop out the prefetch_range macro too.


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