[MPlayer-users] Greek subtitles

Konstantinos Georgokitsos kgeorgokitsos at nomioan.gr
Thu Nov 4 07:49:31 CET 2004

On Wednesday 03 November 2004 23:57, yourself wrote:
> try the:
> font=/path/to/a/truetypefont/conatining/greek/chars.ttf
> subfont-encoding=ISO-8859-7

That worked well! I used Verdana though, and had to resize as well, as the 
default was too big

On Thursday 04 November 2004 00:20, Torinthiel wrote:
> -vf expand and use the last parameter of it.
> Torinthiel

I tried like this, but got no subs at all:
mencoder in.avi -subfont-text-scale 3 -vf expand=0:0:0:0:1 -o out.avi -ovc 
lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=800:vpass=1 -oac copy && mencoder 
in.avi -subfont-text-scale 3 -vf expand=0:0:0:0:1 -o out.avi -ovc lavc 
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=800:vpass=2 -oac copy

On Wednesday 03 November 2004 21:15, Ulrich Schweitzer wrote:
> Don't, unless absolutely necessary. Hardcoding subs into the picture uses
> up a lot of bitrate and thereby degrades the picture quality
> considerably

no choice. got a HW player (Philips DVP 720SA) and they have even bigger 
problems with Greek codepages :-) 
Besides DVD subs .avi only with .srt is possible, but only West-Europe, and 
even they seem to have problems according to other users. 


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