[MPlayer-users] Hardcoded device for hwac3 on alsa ??

Dominique Dumont domi.dumont at free.fr
Sat Jun 26 16:00:44 CEST 2004


I'm trying to get a raw AC4 stream on my SB live 5.1 card.

With alsa, this card is card #1 (#0 being my nforce2 sound card
integrated in my mother board).

With mplayer I can get sound through PCM without a problem:

$  mplayer -ao alsa1x:hw:1.3 

mplayer gives "alsa-init: soundcard set to hw:1,3"

When when I try to send raw ac3 stream on my sb live card:

$  mplayer -ac hwac3 -ao alsa1x:hw:1.3 

mplayer gives "alsa-init: soundcard set to iec958:AES0=0x2,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2"

Unfortunately, this device is the SPDIF output on card #0 (the nforce2
sound card which currently does not work).

mplayer version is 1.0-pre4-0.4 (packaged for debian by Christian Marillat)

So is there a way to send raw ac3 stream on card #1 ?


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