[MPlayer-users] NOVIRUS :)

CrimeDog crimedog at wp.pl
Thu Sep 4 18:54:36 CEST 2003

W liƛcie z czw, 04-09-2003, godz. 09:23, Lukasz Slazak pisze: 
> [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
> ehh spam filters aren't perfect, are they?
> Have u found anyone to maintain pl. version of docs?

Yes, thre is someone who want maintain Polish docs, but he need someone
to help (Boski Cinek <boski_cinek at o2.pl>). If you can, please, help him
(or if you know someone who contact him/her with <boski_cinek at o2.pl>)

Hey, but Pl docs is almost translated:

sound.html - ehm, not translated (15% translated ;-(

documentation.html - heh, outdated (too long to translate ;-))

mplayer.1 - translated, litle outdate (eg ne syntax dvd://, tv://) and
more important, this file need to be rewrite, I and my friend were
translate this long time ago (but after we has been updating this) and
there is many, MANY mistakes and poor translated words. now we speak
english better, but still not perfect ;-((

video.html - done, but this is dificult text, so there are many miscates

users_against_developers.html - done, need some little updates and check
(like quoted messages)

bugreports.html - done, need some litle updates and check
codecs-in.html - done, need some litle updates and check
faq.html - done, need some litle updates and check
skin.html - done, need some litle updates and check       
cd-dvd.html - done, need some litle updates and check
formats.html - done, need some litle updates and check
codecs.html - done, need some litle updates and check
encoding.html - done, need some litle updates and check

All translatd documents are update to 0.90 version (eg. mplayer.1 was
translate from both branch - main and 0_90 and consolideted)

With kindest regards:
CrimeDog - crimedog at wp.pl

MPlayer... and nothing else matters

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