[MPlayer-users] ss and endpos

tarass at club-internet.fr tarass at club-internet.fr
Mon Nov 24 11:10:51 CET 2003

Le 11/24/2003 11:02 AM, Konstantinos Karydas a joliment écrit :
> [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
>>>>changing -endpos 00:03:05 by -frame 185*25 ?
>>>>3:05 = 185 seconds and 25 frames per second ?
>>>Almost - don't forget to add the start time.  -endpos tells you
> where to
>>>-frames tells you the number of frames to encode.  So -frames 25
> will
>>>one second of PAL, regardless of where you start.
>>Bravo ! it's working.
> Is there any way to tell the encoder to encode e.g. from the 01:40 until
> at exactly the 03:05??? I am asking because if you give in our example:
> $ mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -ss 100 -endpos 185
> which is by the way a simple cutting procedure of a clip, then the
> mencoder will encode (copy at this case) 185 seconds after the 100th
> second of the clip, i.e. it will stop at the 285th second=04:45 of the
> video clip, which is not correct since I want to encode until the 185th
> second=03:05. I hope you understand the issue.

Yes I knows that endpos is not the ending position but a delay or a 
quantity of byte starting from -ss



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