[MPlayer-users] bug report for 1.0pre2

Rob Prowel tempest766 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 17 13:23:26 CET 2003

Please note the following bug in an otherwise
excellent program.  I really cannot find too much
wrong other than...

mplayer -brightness nn -contrast cc -vo xv myfile.mpg

gives warnings that brightness and contrast are not
supported by the xv driver.  (gives this warning for
ANY driver specified on the command line).  However,
using the 1-2 and 3-4 keys DOES cause the
brightness/contrast to change, relative to the
brightness and contrast command line parameters that
were entered.  The first time a number is pressed the
brightness/contrast JUMP to the values that were
entered from the command line.

This feature worked in the Suse distro version
0.90pre6-39.  I recently dowloaded and compiled
1.0pre3-3 and it is now broken.

System: Linux i586 2.4.22
X: xfree 4.3.0 (i810 direct rendering support enabled)
GCC: 3.3


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