[MPlayer-users] why does scale ignore the command line??

Chris Phillips chris at thirtythreeandathird.net
Wed Nov 5 00:21:48 CET 2003

> > hi,
> > 
> > if i do this:
> > 
> > mplayer -vf scale=264:227 dvd://1
> > 
> > mplayer does this:
> > 
> > Opening video filter: [scale w=264 h=227]
> > 
> > but then does this:
> > 
> > VO: [xv] 264x227 => 403x227 Planar YV12
> > 
> > why does mplayer rescale the movie? what erm.. "rite" does it have to do 
> > this? if i say I want those scale values surely it should enforce that!
> > 
> > i've tried also adding -noaspect but that then simply enforces the default 
> > 720x576 ratio!
> The scale filter preserves the aspect because this is normally the
> correct thing to do. Why are you using the scale filter at all if you
> have hardware scaling?? Just use -x and -y to set the size you want it
> to be hardware-scaled to, or use -vf dsize=w:h to control this. Or use
> -aspect.

well as i do want to be able to set an automatic scaling if needed, e.g. 
scale=560:-2. I did used to use -xy 560 in my program but there was a 
really possibly good reason i changed it to -vf yesterday, although i 
can't quite remeber all of it.... scale= is just so much easier!

> Also keep in mind that odd width or height values are _invalid_ for
> 4:2:0 video (you will probably see glitched lines at the edges!).

well everyone get's lazy sometimes....!
well i can't say i understand the justification for it, but i'll let it 




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