[MPlayer-users] Trying ffmpeg to convert AVI's to VCD-able mpegs. little trouble;

frizop at charter.net frizop at charter.net
Thu May 22 08:15:26 CEST 2003

	Hi guys, I've been working on this for quite a while and have not had 
any luck. I'm trying to turn some divx/mpeg4 files into mpeg1/mpeg2 that 
i can burn to vcd. However, when I use ffmpeg and then try to vcdimage 
that mpeg, I get this error:

vcdimager foo.mpg
    INFO: scanning mpeg track #0 for scanpoints...
**ERROR: packet length beyond buffer...

	I saw on a webpage that I could use mpgtx to DEmux it, and then mjpeg 
tools to REmux it; which I've tryed and still get the same error. Any help?

thanks in advance,
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