[MPlayer-users] [BUG] faad crash streaming with small cache

Peter Nelson rufus at rufus.d2g.com
Mon May 12 04:40:54 CEST 2003

I just found a crash when streaming a file using FAAD, the matrix 
trailer to be exact.  It seems that FAAD starts acting up if your cache 
is less set to ~400k.  Playing locally works fine and this works every time:

mplayer -cache 400 

But this craches every time (and any value smaller):

mplayer -cache 350 

Sometimes it crashes so hard that you have to kill -SIGKILL it.  Anyway, 
I've attatched a log it crashing (a bunch of FAAD Failed to decode frame 
errors).  I was going to include a gdb trace, but I can't seem to get it 
to actually crash anymore, it just hangs.

MPlayer dev-CVS-030511-21:07-3.2.3
FAAD2 (Freeware AAC Decoder) Compiled on: Dec 30 2002  Version:     1.1

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