[MPlayer-users] Combining video clips using mplayer

Catalin Muresan catalin.muresan at astral.ro
Thu Feb 6 12:47:49 CET 2003

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 11:09:37AM +0000, Giles RC Morant wrote:
 > On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 19:15, Nick Hatch wrote:
 > > I'm trying to find a way to combine video clips using mplayer. I want to add a 
 > > standard two second title screen to a bunch of movies. I've created the 
 > > animated sequence using gimp, and exported the .jpg files and created a .avi 
 > > movie file using mencoder. How can I append this animation to the beginning 
 > > of a prerecorded movie?
 > > 
 > > It seems that this would be very easy to do, but I can't find the options to 
 > > do it. If it isn't possible to do with mplayer, are there any other tools to 
 > > do it easily?
 > > 
 > > Thanks for any help.
 > > 
 > > -Nick
 > > 
 > There's probably some clever way to do it with mencoder, but the
 > easiest way is to use one of the many little tools that comes with
 > "transcode":
 > avimerge -o big.avi -i one.avi two.avi three.avi

	i did this for two (600 and 130 meg) avi files and then i've reencodec
it with mencoder to fit in 700M. what i got was a desynced sound for the
second half of the movie, and i don't know who to blame, avimerge or
mencoder (ofcourse i blame avimerge :P ). I'd just doublecheck the resulted
file if I were you.

 > You need to ensure the frame rates and resolution are the same &c., but
 > if not, transcode is probably the easiest tool with which to
 > change these.
 > Just type transcode into google.
 > -- 
 > Giles RC Morant <giles.morant at dur.ac.uk>

 Catalin Muresan
 Internet Department
 Technology Engineer

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