[MPlayer-users] Creating DIVX for Xoro HSD 400 with mencoder.

Joe Neeman joeneeman at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 8 23:04:08 CET 2003

> > AVI file format detected.
> > VIDEO:  [DIV3]  768x576  24bpp  25.000 fps  1024.2 kbps (125.0 kbyte/s)
> > Clip info:
>This may be it: the resolution. Many hardware implemented decoders (for
>mpeg 1 & 2 at least) don't seem to like a lot of resolutions. try
>rescaling it to be the same size as the one that works.

Try visiting http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Articles/PALvsNTSC/PALvsNTSC.asp 
for a list of resolutions that should work. You might also have to check 
wheter your dvd player supports both PAL and NTSC formats.

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