[MPlayer-users] msadpcm crash with Solaris/SPARC

Götz Waschk waschk at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Wed Oct 23 14:57:02 CEST 2002

Am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2002, 14:00:58 Uhr MET, schrieb Arpi:
> it tries to read int16 from odd offset, probably causing unaligned memroy
> access. i don't know that arch but ask Jurgen Keil, he fixed similar things
> in the past.

It seems so. The right way would be to align the data properly,
wouldn't it?
> also, you can try to change 
> #define LE_16(x) (le2me_16(*(unsigned short *)(x)))
> to:
> #define LE_16(x) (le2me_16(x[0]+(256*x[1])))
> or maybe:
> #define LE_16(x) (le2me_16(x[1]+(256*x[0])))
The right one was this:
#define LE_16(x) (le2me_16((x)[1]+(256*(x)[0])))

   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock    
 http://wwwtec.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~waschk/waschk.asc for PGP key
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