[MPlayer-users] typo: SIGILL is inside wmv8ds32.ax / followup: further fixing ideas

Eric Auer eric at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Sun May 26 20:11:02 CEST 2002

Hi, sorry for the followup:

> This is why I get a SIGILL inside divxa32.acm:
must be: ... inside wmv8ds32.ax

So the subject was correct and the quoted line above was wrong. ;-)

According to

the mentioned win32 thingies seem to be the only codecs which can
handle WMV2 and WMA currently!?

RDTSC is the opcode 0f 31, but I guess it would be a pretty bad
idea to just "nop it out" (overwrite the occurance of 0f 31 by
90 90) as this would deprive the wmv8ds32.ax library of its way
to know the elapsed (real, global CPU clocks) time. Would be nice
if somebody could give me an educated guess about this issue - or
better, a version of the wmv8ds32.ax (and maybe divxa32.acm) which
does not use or at least does not insist on using the rdtsc command.

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