Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Fri Feb 1 12:55:02 CET 2002


> My benchmarks (for -benchmark -frames 1000)
> with direct rendering:
> BENCHMARKs: V:   8.274s VO:   0.005s A:   0.544s Sys:  21.109s =   29.932s
> BENCHMARK%: V: 27.6434% VO:  0.0158% A:  1.8187% Sys: 70.5221% = 100.0000%
> before (without direct rendering):
> BENCHMARKs: V:   7.413s VO:   2.244s A:   0.578s Sys:  20.028s =   30.264s
> BENCHMARK%: V: 24.4960% VO:  7.4144% A:  1.9106% Sys: 66.1790% = 100.0000%
> As you can see VO time is ~0 for direct rendering.
it's not 0, but its value is moved to V: from VO: ...

> (I don't know why it's not 0 - probably it's error in benchmark stuff)
or scheduler - don't forget it's 10ms accurate only.

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

mailto:arpi at thot.banki.hu

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