[Mplayer-users] tv out on nvidia cards

Stephen Davies steve at daviesfam.org
Fri Sep 28 11:21:58 CEST 2001

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Robinson, Chad wrote:

> > I read the docs, but I found info only from matrox cards, I know the
> > best way is buy a Matrox card, but its not so cheap, at all!
> > So Am I able to use the tv out function with mplayer, I read the
> > latest Nvidia docs, too, there is: "xv currently not supported with tv
> out"
> > 
> > 
> > please let me know, becouse I dont have a matrox card,(and I dont want
> > to have), but I'll buy  a Tv soon, if its possible to playback movies
> > from linux to a tv.
> I don't know about NVidia, but I am using an ATI All-in-Wonder Pro with
> TV-out and SVGALib. (X11 works, too, but I prefer SVGALib.) Works very well,
> although I can't go above 640x480.

And I can tell you that a Voodoo 3000 with TV-out works.

I hacked the bt869 driver to support 720x576 output.  What chip does the
ATI card use to make the interlaced video?  Would this bt869 driver help

On the other hand, I could not get anywhere with driving a TV with the
Matrox G450 - as you know, the TV out isn't supported.  And the G550 tv
out isn't supported either.  So - to go Matrox you need to find a G400.

Incidentally - there is another approach to TV output from PCs - which is
to drive the TV directly with PAL-rate interlaced output from the VGA
card.  This can be done with a simple VGA->SCART cable with few or even no
active components.  And a TV with an RGB-input SCART.

However- I couldn't find a video card that would support all of:

 - interlaced display
 - low enough pixel clock to drive pal scan rate at 720-ish horizontal
   pixels (13.5MHz or so I think I remember)
 - XVideo

If you are prepared to use -vo x11 then perhaps an older vga card would
allow this approach.  But you'll need a strong CPU etc.


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