[MPlayer-users] Star Wars Episode 2 QT trailer

Anders Rune Jensen root at gnulinux.dk
Wed Nov 7 23:12:10 CET 2001

MPlayer doesn't seem to play the Star Wars Episode 2 QT trailer. You can find it here: http://www.dailyfiles.dk/movies/ep2_breathing_m640.mov

I have included the output of mplayer when I try to play the movie. THis is the interesing part:

*** constant samplesize & variable duration not yet supported! ***
Contact the author if you have such sample file!
Unknown track type found (type: 0)

Is this planned to be supported?

Thanx for a great player!

|Anders Rune Jensen        icq  : #52926571        | 
|Markusgade 7 4. TH        email: root at gnulinux.dk |
|9000 Ã…lborg               web  : www.gnulinux.dk  |

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