[mplayer] Re: New Makefile/dependency system + 0.11 release

Raimar Falke hawk at B205a.WH8.TU-Dresden.De
Sat Mar 3 01:26:08 CET 2001

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 11:37:30PM -0600, Arpi wrote:
> Hi,
> Good in the new method:
> - no Makefile changes when running make dep/make distclean
>   -> cvs commit/update works for Makefiles too
> - 'make dep' happens automaticaly when 'make' is executed!
>   -> not need to run 'make dep' before 'make'
> - .depend is re-generated if config.h/config.mak/Makefile changed
>   -> not need manual 'make dep' after changing config.h file
> Bad in the new method:
> - doesn't compile if the user doesn't have the 'makedepend' utility.
>   (it's part of the X11 binaries!)
>   Workaround: type 'make' again.. and again until all compiles.
>   We should detect this case at ./configure and make empty .depend files!
> - library rebuilding if source changed is not yet solved by this

In my own projects I use the dependency generation of gcc. If gcc-only
isn't a problem you can consider this.

---- start makefile part ----
# include the dependencies
include $(OBJ:.o=.d)

# calculate the dependencies
%.d: %.c
        PACKAGE=`dirname $<`/ ./depend.sh $(CFLAGS) $< > $@
---- end makefile part ----

---- start depend.sh ----

gcc -M -MG $* | \
    sed -e 's@ /[^ ]*@@g' -e "s@^\(.*\)\.o:@$PACKAGE\1.d $PACKAGE\1.o:@" | \
---- end depend.sh ----


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