[Mplayer-users] problematic files uploaded to FTP...

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Fri Jul 20 22:58:47 CEST 2001


I've just checked files uploaded to the mplayer FTP.

So the results:

Diet.avi & Push[1].avi
  they are using uncompressed/msrle 0x1 video format, it's unsupported.

The Simpsons - S06E24 - Lemon of Troy.asf
  it plays well for me, but it has a broken frame in teh middle.
  mpayer rints: 'error decoding frame', and the video cpu usage %
  gets corrupted (-203727782%). the later thing (corrupted timer) has
  been fixed in CVS, by calling emms() after the codec. i think that
  win32 codecs doesn't reset MMX state at broken frames.
  maybe this is the reason why windows media player hangs/crashes then.

  it's really a Quicktime/MOV file, using Cinepak codec.
  it's just renamed to .mpeg, but it's really .mov

dune.avi, cthd.avi, October_Sky.avi
  they plays well, without problems. please upload a small .txt
  file with the same filename as video (but .txt extension)
  describing problems, and including mplayer -v output.

  to big for me to download now (i'll download it next monday, from work)
  what's teh problem with it? and where?

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

mailto:arpi at thot.banki.hu

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