[Mplayer-users] total time in OSD

Adrian Zurek adek at one.pl.eu.org
Tue Aug 21 18:29:52 CEST 2001


I have one question (please don't be angry for me, it's a little, very little
request): is it possible to include a total time of movie in OSD? It could be
accessible in some way, for example on some keypress...
Yes, I know it could be impossible to show it with streaming video.

What about this?


PS: MPlayer is great piece of software! (really!)
       _________         ___.  ____               adrian zurek
   ____\        \ _______-- !_/   /            adek at one.pl.eu.org
  /     \   \   \\ _____/        /-------------------------------------------.
  \  --  \   \   / ___)____     <      18:26:00 up 8 days,  9:37,  1 user    |
   \____/\\_____/_______  /     \\       load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.00      |
 `--------\/--- at guru----\/__/\____\------------------------------------------'

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