[Mplayer-users] bug ?

Chittaranjan Mandal chitta at cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
Thu Apr 19 06:19:43 CEST 2001

------------ On 18 Apr, "mgraffam at idsi.net" wrote: ------------
  On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Arpi wrote:
  > > When I start with -vo x11, I do get sound, but I get a black screen.
  > Black screen? Hmm. It's strange!
  I have the same problem with the current mplayer. I'm going to fiddle
  with things and see what I can come up with. 
I have the same problem and I have sent a good number of mails
reporting this problem.


Best regards,            Dial-in: 8 <extn.> or 77393 `*' <extn.>
Chitta                   Tel: +91 3222 <dial-in> Extn: (off) 3498, (res) 3499
Dept. of CSE, IIT, Kgp.  Fax: +1 801 5159121, +44 870 2842932, +91 3222 55303

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