[MPlayer-matrox] 2.6.30 and mga_vid

Attila Kinali attila at kinali.ch
Fri Jun 26 11:09:35 CEST 2009

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 07:06:19 +0200 (CEST)
Peter Magnusson <iocc at mplayer2.lists.flashdance.cx> wrote:

> > The G550 i have is still my card of choice, but
> > it wont stay for long. Either OGP will replace it
> > or i'll have to look for another card that has
> > the features i want.
> What do you think it will be? Some nvidia card?

I hope for the OGP.

Other than that, i don't know. Currently there are only
three choices: ATI, nvidia and Intel. ATIs and nvidias
drivers suck badly, either are closed source or buggy as hell.
And Intel doesnt make stand alone cards, which means i'd have
to get an intel mainboard with dual-dvi which still isnt easy
to find.

But for now, i'll stay with my G550. I still have a G550 PCI-e
(which a very friendly guy from Germany donated) so i can
stick with Matrox for a while. 

While we are at it, i think it's a shame that matrox changed
it's documentation policy and closed up their graphics card.
They still make cool stuff that you'd use for a PC you want
to work with (aka not for gaming), but using closed source drivers
is a big no-no in a fast changing OSS enviroment.
And I'm quite surprised, that they do not get how much potential
the OSS market has, although they are still selling G550, a 10y
old card that is heavily over priced compared to the competitors.
I wonder who they think is buying them.

And they wouldnt even have to open all specs. Just enough to get
all 2D and basic 3D functionallity would be more than enough.
People would love it and buy these cards in the dozens.
Heck, i know i would.

			Attila Kinali

If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
If you want to walk far, walk together.
		-- African proverb

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