[MPlayer-matrox] insmod error

Aiace Aquila aiacel at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:32:37 CET 2005

I'm very happy for you that insmod mga_vid.ko works there, here, no!
Also I thank you for your useful advices, I read them  both, so please 
forgive my barbaric use of computer. As it written in there, I looked for 
help with google, but for my problem I found only answers in asitic 
language: please forgive me but really I haven't too much time to learn 
Sorry, but I can't learn "C" and "ASM" language to correct bugs source 
myself: I'd really like it but I really have no time.
I looked into old mplayer threads and only one man had my problem, but no 
one answer !
I'm new into Linux world and I feel myself very stupid so I looked again 
here :


where you can read to use the command "insmod mga_vid.o" and not "insmod 
I'm too much stupid to understand? I'm to much new in linux? Is the 
documentation wrong?

I'm very happy if you help me, because I need mplayer for my work, but my 
work isn't make mplayer program.

Now, if you don't know how to help me (or you don't want to ) please say it 
and don't send me to read any long "netetiquette" or as long as inuseful 
"how to..."


PS Before nettetiquette some peaple should read the old good "galateo"

>1) learn how to debug this stuff an give usable
>bugreports. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
>might be a good starting point.
>2) learn how to quote: http://www.river.com/users/share/etiquette/edit.html
>			Attila Kinali
>PS: ofcourse insmod mga_vid.ko works here

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