[MPlayer-G2-dev] Re: g2 config - restart...

Andriy N. Gritsenko andrej at lucky.net
Wed May 14 18:15:39 CEST 2003

    Hi, Arpi!

    So I misunderstood whole thing - I thought we were about common API
as for parser as for UIs. So we were speaking about different things, by
different languages almost. ;)  Now I've get rid of that misunderstanding
so I could say - you did all I wanted with your level 0. I think it's
enough and I happy. ;)

    BTW, did you wrote new config_t and module_info_t structures (I mean
API layer 0) yet? If you didn't then there is a draft here (from yours
API description, of course - you really fine generalized all). :)  Also I
typed here some #define because they have values of fields of config_t.
I hope I did all correctly now. :)  BTW, I'm not sure if filename must be
in module_info_t - plugin subsystem can have it in internal arrays. That
subsystem anyway has to keep bad filenames list to avoid trying its (in
cache also, I think) further. Bad filenames - if plugins are in plugin's
subdirectory but are not plugins or have incompatible version.

------------------------- begin of cfg.h
#ifndef __CFG_H
#define __CFG_H 1

typedef struct {
  char *name;
  void *p; /* variable pointer, type specific */
  int type;
  unsigned int flags;
  float min, max; /* range */
  void *priv; /* additional pointer, type specific */
  char *desc; /* short description for help and gui */
} config_t;

/* note: version has to be first in ModuleInfo struct in loadable module
   to allow us always do validation/version check of module */
typedef struct {
  unsigned char version[4]; // { PLUGIN_VERSION_MAJOR, PLUGIN_VERSION_MINOR, 'M', 'P' }
  int type; // for loadable module identification
  char *name;
  char *desc; // short description for help and gui
  char *maintainer;
  char *author;
  char *comment;
  config_t *opts;
  void *param_defaults;
  size_t *param_size;
  char *filename; // filled by plugin subsystem, NULL for internal
} module_info_t;

/* type (menu field)	->p		->min	->max	->priv */
enum {
// flag (checkbox)	int*		reset	set	-
// integer (slider)	int*		min	max	-
// float (slider)	float*		min	max	-
// position (slider)	off_t*		min	max	-
// string (input box)	char**		min	max	-
// string as list - must be obsoleted to CONF_TYPE_LIST
// function		cfg_func*	-	-	revert-cfg_func*
// text (none)		char**		-	-	-
all below this have
  ->priv as config_t*
// subconfig (dialog)	-		-	-	config_t*
// choose list		char**		-	length	config_t*
// select list		char***		-	-	config_t*
// config group (sep.)	-		-	-	config_t*

/* these macros are very useful for parsers or UI */

/* flags for options */
#define CONF_MIN		(1<<0)
#define CONF_MAX		(1<<1)
// This option cannot be in config file
#define CONF_NOCFG		(1<<2)
// This option cannot be in command line
#define CONF_NOCMD		(1<<3)
// This option is global : it won't be saved and only the command line
// parser will set it when it's parsed (ie. it won't be set later)
// e.g options : -v, -quiet
#define CONF_GLOBAL		(1<<4)
// Do not save this option : it won't be saved on config save
// or by UI on context change
#define CONF_NOSAVE		(1<<5)
// This subconfig has unnamed parameters list (i.e. 0.3:-1:-1 for example)
// It looks like a regular subconfig but different in parsing a bit
#define CONF_SEQUENT		(1<<6)
// It used for lists to reverse order of arguments in char***
#define CONF_REVERSE		(1<<7)

/* macro to get relative address of x.y in struct x */
#define STRUCT_OFF(x,y)		((void *)(&x.y-x))

#endif /* __CFG_H */
------------------------- end of cfg.h

    With best wishes.

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