[MPlayer-G2-dev] None

Gábor Lénárt lgb at lgb.hu
Thu May 8 15:49:49 CEST 2003

Subject: G2 CLI/GUI
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As far as I could see, the main problem with the current GUI is lacking
features which eg CLI has. This is because of the fact that MPlayer is
evolving fast, and it's very hard to follow it with the GUI and likes. I can
see THREE interfaces now which can controll G1:

* command line interface
* OSD menu (though not for ALTERING settings as far as I checked it last)
* "official" GUI mainly by .so

It's very NICE to have seperated structure for G2 eg having some "core"
mplayer which is like a separated library which can be used by several UIs.
But of course it would be nice to have some "official" GUI for G2 even it it
means that it's the same level of integration than any other G2 GUI project
(currently with G1 it's not true, "official" GUI is integrated into the
source, while others trying to use the slave mode of mplayer).

I thing the best solution for G2 would be a _common_ (but separated from G2
core of course!) structure describes various options, their meanings, their
dependencies to other options etc, and this (maybe compilacted) structure
can be used by:

	* command line interface [even for displaying help!]
	* OSD menus
	* GTK GUI menus

This would allow to make a SINGLE modoification and each of UIs supports
this description "language" (it can be XML, but even some C coded linked
lists of complex structures, etc) can support ALL of the features implemented,
without the need to code into GUI, to code into OSD menu etc etc etc separatly,
which is slow process, it's wase of time and even it introduces code redundancy ...

- Gábor (larta'H)

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