[MPlayer-dvb] View and record dvb at the same time

Nico Sabbi Nicola.Sabbi at poste.it
Fri May 23 14:36:58 CEST 2008

On Friday 23 May 2008 14:06:43 Dipl.Ing. Volker Holthaus wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i have a little problem with mplayer and dvb viewing/recording. I
> want to view and record with mplayer at the same time.
> I have two dvb tuner configured (Adapter 0 and 1) and want to play
> with one mplayer a program and with a second mplayer record another
> program. When i start the second mplayer session, the first one
> freezes. Is there any configuration, that i forgott ?
> Thank you very much.
> Volker

a second mplayer run with -dumpstream -dumpfile dump.ts
will record and won't block, because the audio and video devices
(used by the first mplayer) won't be touched

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