[MPlayer-dvb] Hardware encoding

Vladimir M ravenholm76 at mail.ru
Tue Mar 22 21:44:32 CET 2005

> Hi,
> I have a vdr running at home, i've made a script so i can use it and put the
> channel behind it, maybe you can use it for your problem and modify it for
> dvb.
> "script 16" gives me channel from the vdr.
> Here it is:
> #!/bin/bash
> mplayer -ao sdl:dsp -vo x11 -framedrop -cache 8192 -nojoystick -autosync 30
> http://vdr:3000/TS/$1


As far as I know, thease parameters just decreases cpu usage for decoding. Low cache, another sound driver.
But my card not budget - It has builtin hardware decoder.
I just want to use it :)


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