[Mplayer-dvb] ANNOUNCE: mplayer.sh version 0.0.6a-jha

gianca2000 at tin.it gianca2000 at tin.it
Wed Jan 22 00:34:33 CET 2003

verrry good work! The speed option works ok and now the typed chars are 
listened by mplayer, so I can ff/rew/jump/pause as usual.

I would like to ask the ML a question: I have an AMD 1.3Ghz with 256mb and 
sometimes when the divx movie contains very high motion scenes (an 
explosion, rain, change of point of view...) the video on my DVB card 
become jerky for 2-3 seconds.
Do I have to go to the round-corner-computer-shop and buy a faster CPU?
I'm using mplayer.sh 0.0.6a-jha script, but the problem appens with only 
some divx movies.


At 20.37 21/01/2003, you wrote:
>Here we go with a new version of my mplayer.sh that was derived from
>Martin Hoffmann's work. Kudos.
>Version 0.0.6a-jha
>- scales as little as possible
>- distinguishes between NTSC and PAL files; plays videos with the right
>   TV norm
>- added AC3 support (thanks to Christian Jacobsen)
>- you can now disable either NTSC or PAL support to force all videos to
>   either PAL or NTSC
>- added support for mplayer's '-speed' option; disabled by default,
>   because it didn't work as expected for me (you can enable it in the
>   config file)
>- detects the SLAVE mode from the vdr-mplayer plugin
>- handles all video formats that mplayer can play
>You need to use the config file that's included in the tarball!
>Get it from http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/VDR/
>(always take the newest verion)
>Comments are welcome.
>Have fun,
>Mplayer-dvb mailing list
>Mplayer-dvb at mplayerhq.hu

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