[Mplayer-dvb] Mplayer and DVBsat card

André Weidemann Andre.Weidemann at web.de
Wed Feb 27 17:24:05 CET 2002

Hi All,
I installed the drivers for the DVB card and loaded the modules.
I configured mplayer (latest CVS) with --enable-gui --enable-tv 
--enable-tv-v4l ...and the libdvdcss path option and it all complied 
I can play AVI and DVD but when starting mplayer with the option:
-tv on:/dev/video0
I only get a green window with the time counting up.

Starting mplayer with the additional
The logfile says that teh card was recognized as a DVB board but I only 
get 32x32 image in green with some red pixels

(when starting xawtv I do get a TV picture!!!)
How can I watch TV with my DVB card using mplayer?

Thanx a lot in advance,

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