[Mplayer-dvb] CPU power

M. Fiegert Margit.Fiegert at t-online.de
Mon Dec 2 20:24:19 CET 2002

>Anyone know why, if i have 47% of idle cpu time, my divx are not played
>"safely" ??? I'm the only one who have this problem ?? :p

See my mail from 7.11.2002 and following:

 > Could this be a hint that I have a pci throiughput problem? How can I 
check this?


> yes it is, or even more: the card cannot buffer o big frames
> try -vop lavc=10000
> it'll try to maintain fixed 10mbit/s bitrate instead of using fixed qscale

> Thanks a lot Arpi, that`s it.
> Much better with 10000, perfect with 9000.
> Now I will be a regular mplayer user    :-)

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