[MPlayer-DOCS] General XML source formatting

Diego Biurrun diego at biurrun.de
Sat Dec 2 22:17:58 CET 2006

On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 11:33:01PM +0100, Torinthiel wrote:
> I will (time and laziness permitting, so don't hold your breath too
> much) try and reformat the XML documentation to stick to some common
> guidelines. Problem is setting those guidelines.
> My propositions are:
> <sect1>: before each sect1 there's a line of
> <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
> with two blank lines before and two after.
> <sect2>: before each sect2 there's <!-- ********** --> with blank line
> before and after.

I think just a few blank lines, maybe 3, will do the trick as well, but
I'm not very particular about this.

> <sect3>: two blank lines before.
> <title>: Each title goes just below it's corresponding tag (<sect?>,
> <formalpara> or whatever), and stays in one line (this can mean the line
> can get very long).

Nah, I'd say the lines can be broken.

> <para> start-tag and end-tags in separate lines, don't indent the
> content (more than <para> itself is indented, that is).

Fine with me.

> Things like tables, lists etc: start and end tags in separate lines,
> increase indent by 2 spaces, item start and end tags as well in separate
> lines (but when whole item contains a single <para> or something like
> that than this <para> goes with element start tag.

Fine with me.

> All 'small' tags (title, ulink, link, application, keycap, etc.) fit in
> a single line.
> Line limit of 80 characters (With exception of small tags above).

Fine with me.

> <screen>: either in single line, like small tags or like this:
> <screen>
> text (with no indent) \
>   maybe continuation of a longer command (indented)<!--
> --><screen>
> with <screen> and --> beginning at the current indentation level.

Fine with me.

> Any comments? Objections? Better formats? Clarifications? I'm not very
> much attached to this, we just have to start at something and this seems
> to be mostly how the doc's are formated now.

Such a reformatting would be welcome.  Go right ahead.


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