[MPlayer-DOCS] [PATCH] precise (fractional) values for NTSC rates, round 2

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Mon May 16 07:41:46 CEST 2005

There have been a few recent patches to mencoder.xml and mplayer.1 that
use 23.976 instead of 24000/1001, etc. I suppose it's my job to police
that sort of thing :), but I haven't been paying attention.

Here's a patch to update them. It's mostly just a straight conversion to
the fractional values, but I made a couple other changes as well. I've
quoted those hunks below.

@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
   <emphasis role="bold">Computer Graphics (CG)</emphasis>: Can be
-  any framerate, but some are more common than others; 23 and
+  any framerate, but some are more common than others; 24 and
   30 frames per second are typical for NTSC, and 25fps is typical
   for PAL.

Here I assumed "23" was a typo and changed it to "24".

@@ -692,29 +692,29 @@
 <title>NTSC regions:</title>
   If <application>MPlayer</application> prints that the framerate
-  has changed to 23.976 when watching your movie, and never changes
-  back, it is almost certainly 24fps content that has been
+  has changed to 24000/1001 when watching your movie, and never changes
+  back, it is almost certainly progressive content that has been
   "soft telecined".

I played around a little with explaining that the video might have
originally been either 24000/1001fps or
24fps-that-was-then-slowed-down-to-match-NTSC, but then I decided on
just writing "progressive" because it seemed less awkward.

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