[MPlayer-DOCS] Polish manpage

Torinthiel torinthiel at megapolis.pl
Tue Sep 14 16:38:22 CEST 2004

Now there is something really strange happening.
I thought it was OK, but now it definitely is not, as this is the whole
file on my side:
MPlayer(1)              Odtwarzacz film
There is something more, trust me ;) Conversion somehow failed or what?

And the HTML version still has ugly &entities; Yes, I know, it should be
fixed somehow, and so on. Paszczi talked with groff's people, they said
groff -Thtml -mlatin2 -man mplayer.1 > mplayer.html
should work. But, both on my box (groff 1.18) and Paszczi's (groff
1.19) it does not.

On my it looks like it's working. Unfortunately one of the inner
threads exits, and outer ones don't notice it and wait for it's output.
Only kill works.

So I don't know how to do it, and strongly encourage putting the sed
script I've sent once to work (I can resend it if it's hard to find).
Especially as I've received user feedback, that our translation work is
being wasted, as manpage as it is now is unreadable.

 Waclaw "Torinthiel" Schiller       GG#: 542916, 3073512
   gpg: B06901F1 fpr: FAA3 559F CAE9 34DE CDC8  7346 2B6E 39F2 B069 01F1
 "No classmates may be used during this examination"
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