[MPlayer-DOCS] Re: Swedish translation

Jan Knutar jknutar at nic.fi
Mon Oct 18 01:55:40 CEST 2004

I'll skip the part that was in your previous message...

> #define MSGTR_Exit_error "Fatalt fel"

Oöverkomligt fel?

Again, I have no idea about the norm used in translating applications.

> #define MSGTR_IntBySignal "\nMPlayer var abruten av signal %d i modul: %s\n"

Typo: avbruten

> #define MSGTR_CopyCodecsConf "(Kopiera/länka etc/codecs.conf från MPlayer's källkod till ~/.mplayer/codecs.conf)\n"

Not translation related, but is this message even used anymore?

> #define MSGTR_CantLoadSub "Kan inte ladda undertext: %s\n"


> #define MSGTR_DumpSelectedStreamMissing "dump: FATALT: Vald ström ej tillgänglig!\n"

I really don't like "ström" but I can't think of anythign else either. Maybe there isn't anything better :/

> #define MSGTR_CoreDumped "Core dumpad ;)\n"

Should probably print something more userfriendly here :)))

> #define MSGTR_FPSnotspecified "FPS ej specifierad i huvudet eller är icke godkänd, använd argument -fps.\n"

Please don't tell me "huvudet" is proper translation of "file header", it sounds so silly... :-(

> #define MSGTR_TryForceAudioFmtStr "Försöker att forcera audiocodecfamilj %s...\n"

"tvinga" instead of "forcera"? Forcera means something like "penetrate" in swedish, doesn't it?

> #define MSGTR_TryForceVideoFmtStr "Försöker att forcera videocodecfamilj %s...\n"

Same thing as above.

> #define MSGTR_FPSforced "FPS forcerad att vara %5.3f  (ftime: %5.3f).\n"

how about

#define MSGTR_FPSforced "FPS tvingad till %5.3f  (ftime: %5.3f).\n"

> #define MSGTR_AvailableAudioOutputDrivers "Yillgängliga audio-ut-drivrutiner:\n"

Typo: Tillgängliga

> #define MSGTR_AvailableFsType "Tillgängliga lägen för fullskärmslager:\n"

Bleh.. Lager is literally correct but I wish I could think of something else... Ytor, but that'd
mean "surfaces" which would be confused with overlays... :/

> #define MSGTR_NoStreamFound "Ingen ström funnen.\n"

Again I dislike ström but can't come up with anything else myself :) I wonder if people will think
their machine is without power...

> #define MSGTR_ErrorInitializingVODevice "Fel vid öppning/initiering av vald cideo_out-enhet (-vo).\n"


> #define MSGTR_ForcedVideoCodec "Forcerad videocodec: %s\n"
> #define MSGTR_ForcedAudioCodec "Forcerad audiocodec: %s\n"


> "  gcc version. Om u tror det är MPlayers fel, var vänlig läs\n"\

Typo: u -> du

> #define MSGTR_AddedSubtitleFile "SUB: lade till undertextsfil (%d): %s\n"


> #define MSGTR_SoftsleepUnderflow "Varning! Softsleep underflow!\n" //FIXME To be translated? (mjuksovningsunderflöde)

Mjukvarusov.... uh... softsleep sounds much nicer.. :)

> "[%f]. Noteringar måste vara i kronologisk ordning, kan inte lappa över. Kaster bort.\n"

överlappa? It's so close to english though that i'm probably getting confused by english
word order. Nevermind ;)

Ta inte mina emejl som kritik, ta det som kommentar och förslag på förbättring och säg vad du tycker själv :)
(Don't take my emails as criticism, take it as commentary and suggestions for improvement and give us your own opinion)


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