[MPlayer-DOCS] CVS: homepage/src projects.src.en,1.94,1.95

Diego Biurrun diego at biurrun.de
Fri Nov 5 11:24:34 CET 2004

The Wanderer writes:
> I think what he meant was "just because a license does not explicitly
> forbid reverse engineering does not mean that it does not forbid reverse
> engineering". In this case, if the laws by which the license says it is
> governed forbid reverse engineering - which is not a subject on which I
> am qualified to speak - then even if the license itself makes no direct
> mention of the subject, it still forbids reverse engineering just as
> effectively as before.

The license either forbids reverse engineering or it does not and this
is pretty easy to tell in this case.  Of course no license text can
ever be stronger than law, so local laws may supercede parts of a
license.  Nevertheless this falls outside of the scope of the license.

Read up on the LGPL, it just demands that your licensing terms not
forbid reverse engineering, not that law grants you that right:

    6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
  link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
  work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
  under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
  modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
  engineering for debugging such modifications.

This is clearly the case.


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