[MPlayer-DOCS] printf -> mp_msg conversion (etc.), first patches

The Wanderer inverseparadox at comcast.net
Tue May 18 01:20:05 CEST 2004

I'm going through the source and doing two things: first, changing any
non-commented printf to an mp_msg (using MSGL_FIXME and MSGT_FIXME in
almost every case), and second (per request), moving any translatable
printed text from the source files themselves to help_mp-en.h so the
translators can find it. The attached patches, to this afternoon's CVS
(and hopefully in the correct form), do this for mencoder.c; patches for
other files will follow as I complete them.

I may have gone overboard somewhat with the latter type of change; some
of the things I've moved may not need translating. Please do object to
any change you think doesn't make sense; please also speak up if any of
the MSGTR names I've used aren't appropriate. I should probably have
separated the two sets of changes into different patches, but that
didn't occur to me until I was more than halfway through. I can do it if
necessary, but it would require essentially starting from scratch.

The first patch adds the necessary #defines to mp_msg.h.
The second patch defines the new MSGTRs in help_mp-en.h.
The third patch removes all functional printfs from mencoder.c.
The fourth patch keeps mplayer.c from breaking on a syntax change in

       The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
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