[MPlayer-DOCS] translation portuguese

Torinthiel torinthiel at megapolis.pl
Wed Aug 18 08:20:03 CEST 2004

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 02:12:50AM -0300, Johnson Teixeira do Nascimento wrote:
> I would like to translate the mplayer manual to portuguese.

Then start by reading DOCS/tech/{manpage,translations,patches}.txt and
get going;). As long as you don't touch any .sth on start of line, it
should be pretty easy not to mess up (not that I find the format easy to
read ;). And if you do we'll be happy to help you fix it. And one more
thing, it's not in manpage.txt but I think it should be. If you use '.'
which has space after it but is not end of sentence (eg. sth) the dot
should have \& after it to help groff recognize it's not end of

 Waclaw "Torinthiel" Schiller       GG#: 542916, 3073512
   gpg: B06901F1 fpr: FAA3 559F CAE9 34DE CDC8  7346 2B6E 39F2 B069 01F1
 "No classmates may be used during this examination"
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