[MPlayer-DOCS] HTML docs

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Mon Nov 3 12:33:55 CET 2003


> We need to decide what to do with the remaining HTML translations and
> if we should use the HTML stuff in the next release or not.  If not,
> then keeping it in CVS has no sense.  Both de and it are unmaintained,

Goth said something about new DE maintainers at IRC yesterday...

> we can keep them on the web page or even add them to the release
> tarball, but since they are not updated at all there is no use keeping
> them in CVS IMHO.

WHY to renmove from CVS? it does not eat your food, so it doesnt
hurt anyone there. CVS is to store files. and those are files.

>  zh and hu are maintained in theory but they're
> still HTML, so it would be good to know if Lu Ran and Gabu will port
> it eventually, keep the HTML or drop the translation altogether.  Mind
> you, synching before releases is OK if it's done, but we should know
> in advance if there are plans (and time) to do it.
> What do you say?

i'm against of html removal until there is complete xml version ready.
anyway things happen in opposite than you said above, we keep very
old, obsoleted docs in cvs, but left them out from releases.
(while you said: remove from CVS, but include in releases, which
is imho total nonsence)

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

Developer of MPlayer G2, the Movie Framework for all - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu

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