--- main/help/help_mp-en.h 2004-09-11 08:37:57.000000000 -0400 +++ main.working/help/help_mp-en.h 2004-09-11 11:13:54.000000000 -0400 @@ -158,6 +158,57 @@ " gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read\n"\ " DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and\n"\ " won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.\n" +#define MSGTR_LoadingConfig "Loading config '%s'\n" +#define MSGTR_AddedSubtitleFile "SUB: added subtitle file (%d): %s\n" +#define MSGTR_ErrorOpeningEDLFile "Error opening EDL file [%s]!\n" +#define MSGTR_InvalidEDLLine "Invalid EDL line: [%s]\n" +#define MSGTR_InvalidEDLLineNumbered "Invalid EDL line: [%d]: [%s]\n" +#define MSGTR_DiscardingNonChronologicalEDLEntry "Last stop position was [%f]; next start is [%f]. Entries must be in chronological order and cannot overlap. Discarding EDL entry.\n" +#define MSGTR_DiscardingNegativeLengthEDLEntry "Stop time must follow start time. Discarding EDL entry.\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLModesMutuallyExclusive "Can't use -edl and -edlout at the same time!\n" +#define MSGTR_DisablingEDL "Not using EDL at all!!!\n" +#define MSGTR_ErrorOpeningOutputFile "Error opening file [%s] for writing!\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLRecords "EDL Records:\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLStartStopAction "EDL: start [%f], stop [%f], action [%d]\n" +#define MSGTR_CommandLine "CommandLine:" +#define MSGTR_RTCDeviceNotOpenable "Failed to open %s: %s (it should be readable by the user.)\n" +#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCInitErrorIrqpSet "Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set %lu): %s\n" +#define MSGTR_IncreaseRTCMaxUserFreq "Try adding \"echo %lu > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq\" to your system startup scripts.\n" +#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCInitErrorPieOn "Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_pie_on): %s\n" +#define MSGTR_UsingTimingType "Using %s timing.\n" +#define MSGTR_MenuInitialized "Menu inited: %s\n" +#define MSGTR_MenuInitFailed "Menu init failed.\n" +#define MSGTR_Getch2InitializedTwice "WARNING: getch2_init called twice!\n" +#define MSGTR_DumpstreamFdUnavailable "Cannot dump this stream - no 'fd' available.\n" +#define MSGTR_FallingBackOnPlaylist "Falling back on trying to parse playlist %s...\n" +#define MSGTR_CantOpenLibmenuFilterWithThisRootMenu "Can't open libmenu video filter with root menu %s.\n" +#define MSGTR_AudioFilterChainPreinitError "Error at audio filter chain pre-init!\n" +#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCReadError "Linux RTC read error: %s\n" +#define MSGTR_SoftsleepUnderflow "Warning! Softsleep underflow!\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLNeedsVideo "Canot use edit list without video. EDL disabled.\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLStartStopLength "\nEDL_SKIP: start [%f], stop [%f], length [%f]\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsSubVisibility "ANS_SUB_VISIBILITY=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsLength "ANS_LENGTH=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsVoFullscreen "ANS_VO_FULLSCREEN=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsPercentPos "ANS_PERCENT_POSITION=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNullEvent "DVDNAV Event NULL?!\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavHighlightEventBroken "DVDNAV Event: Highlight event broken\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavEvent "DVDNAV Event: %s\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavHighlightHide "DVDNAV Event: Highlight Hide\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavStillFrame "######################################## DVDNAV Event: Still Frame: %d sec(s)\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavStop "DVDNAV Event: Nav Stop\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavNOP "DVDNAV Event: Nav NOP\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuStreamChangeVerbose "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU Stream Change: phys: %d/%d/%d logical: %d\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuStreamChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU Stream Change: phys: %d logical: %d\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavAudioStreamChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav Audio Stream Change: phys: %d logical: %d\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavVTSChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav VTS Change\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavCellChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav Cell Change\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuClutChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU CLUT Change\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSeekDone "DVDNAV Event: Nav Seek Done\n" +#define MSGTR_MenuCall "Menu call\n" +#define MSGTR_CouldntAllocateEDLMemory "Can't allocate enough memory to hold EDL data, exiting!\n" +#define MSGTR_ReadNumberEDLActions "Read %d EDL actions.\n" +#define MSGTR_NoEDLActions "There are no EDL actions to take care of.\n" // mencoder.c: @@ -311,7 +362,7 @@ #define MSGTR_LavcAudioCodecNotFound "Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec %s\n" #define MSGTR_CouldntAllocateLavcContext "Audio LAVC, couldn't allocate context!\n" #define MSGTR_CouldntOpenCodec "Couldn't open codec %s, br=%d\n" -#define MSGTR_FramesizeBufsizeTag "FRAME_SIZE: %d, BUFFER_SIZE: %d, TAG: 0x%x\n" + // cfg-mencoder.h: --- main/help/help_mp-en.h 2004-09-11 08:37:57.000000000 -0400 +++ main.working/help/help_mp-en.h 2004-09-11 11:17:34.000000000 -0400 @@ -158,6 +158,57 @@ " gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read\n"\ " DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and\n"\ " won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.\n" +#define MSGTR_LoadingConfig "Loading config '%s'\n" +#define MSGTR_AddedSubtitleFile "SUB: added subtitle file (%d): %s\n" +#define MSGTR_ErrorOpeningEDLFile "Error opening EDL file [%s]!\n" +#define MSGTR_InvalidEDLLine "Invalid EDL line: [%s]\n" +#define MSGTR_InvalidEDLLineNumbered "Invalid EDL line: [%d]: [%s]\n" +#define MSGTR_DiscardingNonChronologicalEDLEntry "Last stop position was [%f]; next start is [%f]. Entries must be in chronological order and cannot overlap. Discarding EDL entry.\n" +#define MSGTR_DiscardingNegativeLengthEDLEntry "Stop time must follow start time. Discarding EDL entry.\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLModesMutuallyExclusive "Can't use -edl and -edlout at the same time!\n" +#define MSGTR_DisablingEDL "Not using EDL at all!!!\n" +#define MSGTR_ErrorOpeningOutputFile "Error opening file [%s] for writing!\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLRecords "EDL Records:\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLStartStopAction "EDL: start [%f], stop [%f], action [%d]\n" +#define MSGTR_CommandLine "CommandLine:" +#define MSGTR_RTCDeviceNotOpenable "Failed to open %s: %s (it should be readable by the user.)\n" +#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCInitErrorIrqpSet "Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set %lu): %s\n" +#define MSGTR_IncreaseRTCMaxUserFreq "Try adding \"echo %lu > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq\" to your system startup scripts.\n" +#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCInitErrorPieOn "Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_pie_on): %s\n" +#define MSGTR_UsingTimingType "Using %s timing.\n" +#define MSGTR_MenuInitialized "Menu inited: %s\n" +#define MSGTR_MenuInitFailed "Menu init failed.\n" +#define MSGTR_Getch2InitializedTwice "WARNING: getch2_init called twice!\n" +#define MSGTR_DumpstreamFdUnavailable "Cannot dump this stream - no 'fd' available.\n" +#define MSGTR_FallingBackOnPlaylist "Falling back on trying to parse playlist %s...\n" +#define MSGTR_CantOpenLibmenuFilterWithThisRootMenu "Can't open libmenu video filter with root menu %s.\n" +#define MSGTR_AudioFilterChainPreinitError "Error at audio filter chain pre-init!\n" +#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCReadError "Linux RTC read error: %s\n" +#define MSGTR_SoftsleepUnderflow "Warning! Softsleep underflow!\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLNeedsVideo "Canot use edit list without video. EDL disabled.\n" +#define MSGTR_EDLStartStopLength "\nEDL_SKIP: start [%f], stop [%f], length [%f]\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsSubVisibility "ANS_SUB_VISIBILITY=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsLength "ANS_LENGTH=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsVoFullscreen "ANS_VO_FULLSCREEN=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_AnsPercentPos "ANS_PERCENT_POSITION=%ld\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNullEvent "DVDNAV Event NULL?!\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavHighlightEventBroken "DVDNAV Event: Highlight event broken\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavEvent "DVDNAV Event: %s\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavHighlightHide "DVDNAV Event: Highlight Hide\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavStillFrame "######################################## DVDNAV Event: Still Frame: %d sec(s)\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavStop "DVDNAV Event: Nav Stop\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavNOP "DVDNAV Event: Nav NOP\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuStreamChangeVerbose "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU Stream Change: phys: %d/%d/%d logical: %d\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuStreamChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU Stream Change: phys: %d logical: %d\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavAudioStreamChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav Audio Stream Change: phys: %d logical: %d\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavVTSChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav VTS Change\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavCellChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav Cell Change\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuClutChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU CLUT Change\n" +#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSeekDone "DVDNAV Event: Nav Seek Done\n" +#define MSGTR_MenuCall "Menu call\n" +#define MSGTR_CouldntAllocateEDLMemory "Can't allocate enough memory to hold EDL data, exiting!\n" +#define MSGTR_ReadNumberEDLActions "Read %d EDL actions.\n" +#define MSGTR_NoEDLActions "There are no EDL actions to take care of.\n" // mencoder.c: @@ -311,7 +362,6 @@ #define MSGTR_LavcAudioCodecNotFound "Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec %s\n" #define MSGTR_CouldntAllocateLavcContext "Audio LAVC, couldn't allocate context!\n" #define MSGTR_CouldntOpenCodec "Couldn't open codec %s, br=%d\n" -#define MSGTR_FramesizeBufsizeTag "FRAME_SIZE: %d, BUFFER_SIZE: %d, TAG: 0x%x\n" // cfg-mencoder.h: