[MPlayer-dev-eng] increase in latency following interruption in udp traffic

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at gmx.de
Tue Oct 15 21:20:27 CEST 2013

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 03:26:26PM +0000, Collins, Diarmuid wrote:
> Hi
> I've been make a few local changes and build on mplayer while testing out some low latency playback of MPEG TS over UDP.
> Currently the performance is very good, I receive a UDP stream from a camera, use the stream_udp module (modified for my requirements) to read in the UDP packets and playback using vdpau. The end to end latency is as low as the camera can manage (~300ms). I have been unable to get it this low with any other setup or application. All very good.
> However I've noticed one issue that I cannot get around. If the UDP traffic is interrupted, say some dropped packets for 1-2 seconds, then when the video playback recovers  the latency has increased and never recovers.  So it might go from 300ms to 2.5 seconds. If I do fast forward the stream (even though the UDP stream is configured as not Seekable) I can reduce the latency.
> Digging through the code I'm not sure if it's possible to solve this and get mplayer to recover automatically, If anyone has any thoughts or ideas I'd love to hear them

Not sure what is the issue, though I'd suspect some buffering/timing.
Are you using -nosound -benchmark to disable the timing code and make
MPlayer display the frames as soon as possible?

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