[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Make aa video output workable

Alexei Ababilov ilovegnulinux at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 11:46:25 CET 2011

aa video output driver shows incorrect picture while using 
monitor_pixel_aspect's default value 1. Since letter size is 
approximately 1:2, aa works ok if monitor_pixel_aspect == 0.5. The patch 
sets monitor_pixel_aspect to 0.5 if it was equal to 1. The user still 
can set monitor_pixel_aspect to any other value, except 1.
Also, the old test method for "linux" aa driver checks file named like 
/dev/vcsa01. Now udev names such files like /dev/vsca1. The problem is 
fixed by  checking both /dev/vsca1 and /dev/vcsa01. The old method of 
checking if the file is writable uses fopen(fname, "w+"). It causes 
/dev/vcsaXX to be created if it doesn't presents and the user can write 
to /dev. The new method is to use open(fname, O_WRONLY).
AA library has a nice display driver called "slang". It works even if 
/dev/vcsaXX is not writable. It would be better if "slang" were 
recommended to aalib.
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Name: mplayer-aa-1.patch
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