[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Improve the readability of dynamic labels which scroll

Ingo Brückl ib at wupperonline.de
Mon Jan 31 13:30:09 CET 2011

Reimar Döffinger wrote on Sun, 30 Jan 2011 18:41:34 +0100:

> But with all the reformatting, please also keep in mind that it
> makes svn log/svn blame etc. harder to use, so always do consider
> if you can do things in a nicer way that avoids large cosmetic
> stuff.

I will, but in that case the only solution would be to forget about the
"pretty-printed" declarations.

IMHO there is no need to align the variable names in

char c;
unsigned int u;

or the equal signs in

width = foo(1);
height = foo(2);

for example, because there is no significant advantage.


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