[MPlayer-dev-eng] About mplayer as Android mediaplayer

Oh-keun Kwon pinebud at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 07:15:33 CEST 2010

I don't know this email is appropriate for eng mailing list.

I am trying to porting mplayer to android-x86 environment as a media engine.
The idea is to devide the main function of mplayer a some pieces and call
from Android media player. I made some progress to play in very specific
device, but there is still many questions and problems. Please try following
code if you are interested. git://
vilivs5.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/mplayer.git (eclair-x86 branch).

My questions and problems are..
1. First of all, is there already this kind of porting -_-?
2. I failed to make mplayer as a thread safe library. Android seems to use
many thread to play and make thumnail at the same time, and mplayer seems to
use many global variables for state sharing. Is there known best way to make
mplayer a library?
3. There is ticking aound in the sound playback. I modified ao_null to
manage timing and just copied the decoded PCM to Android AudioSink. Is there
a way to manage decoded audio size too big or too small without interacting
with actual audio out device?
4. Can I tell mplayer to use specific char encoding in sub? I tried korean
sub but it is all broken. The smi file is encoded as Windows charset, not

Thanks for your great efforts..

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